E-Learning Policy



Approved by: Academic Coordinating Committee
Authorizer: Executive Dean, Continuing Education, Online
Learning and Corporate Training
Reference Code: PLTP
Effective Date: 4/20/2022


The purpose of this policy is to support Nova Atlantic College’s strategic priorities through the use of a Learning Management System and standards related to online learning delivery. All courses are delivered online to recognize the obligation to be compliant with legislation including the Accessibility for Canadian with Disabilities Act (AODA) and college policies including Copyright Policy, Accessibility Policies, and eNova Atlantic College Essential Elements.


This policy applies to all classroom enhanced, hybrid, and fully online courses.


Classroom enhanced: Classroom enhanced courses are designed to use the capabilities of the college LMS to supplement and enhance face-to-face learning. The technology is intended to supplement and support, rather than replace regular classroom
activities and learning. Classroom enhanced delivery may also be referred to as “web-facilitated delivery”.

Hybrid: Hybrid courses combine traditional face-to-face and online instruction to meet designated course hours. Hybrid delivery may also be referred to as “blended delivery”.

Fully online: Fully online courses are courses in which all activities are completed online and no face-to-face meetings between students and instructors are required.

eNova Atlantic College: eNova Atlantic College is the branded name for Nova Atlantic College’s learning management system (LMS) powered by Moodle. The LMS is a web-based system that facilitates access and delivery of online course content, our related communications between faculty and 2 students, and administration of courses. eNova Atlantic College supports classroom-enhanced, hybrid, and fully online courses.

eNova Atlantic College Essential Elements: These elements represent the minimum required components that must be included on the LMS for all classroom enhanced courses.


  1. To support classroom enhanced, hybrid, and fully online course delivery, Nova Atlantic College provides the following resources:
    – Student and faculty support and orientation to existing and new technology;
    – Sufficient resources and processes to acquaint instructional designers, faculty, and students with new or updated technologies and methodologies in a timely fashion; and
    – Regular opportunities for ongoing professional development for faculty and others responsible for course design, development, and delivery.
  2. Technical infrastructure and support exist, including:
    – A reliable, sufficient, and scalable LMS to meet current and projected needs, including a reliable, robust, and secure technical infrastructure with the backup provision;
    – 24 hours, 7 days per week access to LMS content;
    – 24 hours, 7 days per week access to LMS technical support;
    – Well-maintained, current, and appropriate hardware, software, and other technological resources.
    – Risk assessment and planning that includes a disaster recovery process, backup and storage technology protocols, and tracking using historical logs and documentation for exceptions, capacity usage, upgrades, workarounds, etc.
  3. Appropriate safeguards assure the authentication of student identity and integrity of student work, including:
    – Security of students’ confidentiality and privacy associated with assessment, evaluation, and dissemination of results;
    – Secure destruction of personal data when it is no longer needed; and
    – The verification of student identity for coursework and examinations, and for the control of examinations, including but not limited to security; time limits; the selection of proctors/invigilators, and the requirements for, and weighting of, evaluations conducted face-to-face.